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  • Bergö Blom och Presentbod

    Bredhällsvägen 119, Bergö

    Flowers, gifts and home design products.


    +358 6 343 0350


  • Bergö church

    Bergö nyvägen 8, Malax

    Bergö church was built between 1800-1802 by the villagers and originally it was planned to be a chapel. The alterpiece is painted by Teodor schalin in 1919.

    +358 6 343 0025

  • Bergö Local Museum

    Hamnfladavägen 36a, Malax

    The sexton farm (Klockargården) was built in 1856 by the village farmers as residence for the parish sexton Johan Erik Munch.
    The residence was donated to Bergö Antiquarian Society on august 7th 1942. The residence has since then been a local museum and is operated by Bergö Antiquarian Society.

    +358 400 165 685

  • Brinken Local Museum

    Museotie 13, 66100 Maalahti

    Brinkenin museo

    The Orregården farm house in the village Malax (1879) and its restored garden (as it was in the 1930s) form a unique milieu with all the farm’s objects preserved in their original surroundings. The other 20 buildings are moved to the open-air museum.


  • Island Bergö

    Bergö, Malax

    Welcome to a unique and scenic island in the Kvarken archipelago. On Bergö you get close to the nature, here you can swim, hike, bike, fish, and enjoy the magnificent scenery and the many picturesque boathouses. Everywhere you go, you are greeted by the large Gulf of Bothnia. The island’s total area is approximately 3.15 square kilometers and Bergö has about 480 inhabitants.



  • Kvarken Boat Museum

    Åminnevägen 733, Malax

    Kvarken Boat Museum is one of the largest boat museums in the Nordic countries. The collection contains 96 traditional (wooden) boats (1850-1993) of different types for varying uses. The boats originate from the province of Ostrobothnia. Besides the boats, exhibited are also tools and equipment used in the region for fishing and hunting. Fisherman’s cottage. Exhibitions.
    The museum is situated in Åminne in a culture-historically valuable coastal surroundings in Malax.

    +358 6 365 1933

  • Malakta Art Factory

    Töckmovägen 48b, Malax

    The Art Factory is an independent production-house that focuses on the realization of ideas and where artists from different disciplines can gather, create and share their ideas and works. Malakta is a space that offers facilities to artists in different fields and as production company initiates innovative projects and productions.

    +358 50 587 5674


  • Malax church

    Kyrkogränd 2, Malax

    This, the third Church, of the congregation was designed by C. Bassi, and erected under H. Kuorikoski’s management 1828-29. The bell tower, which is the designed by the famous architect C. L. Engels, was built in 1832.

  • Nature trails and hiking routs in the Vaasa Region


    There are many nature trails and hiking routs in the Vasa region. There are paths and routes of different lengths, so everyone will surely find a nice route to hike!

  • Niittytila-Änggård's plant nursery

    Degermarsvägen 74, Bergö

    Niittytila-Änggård’s plant nursery is located on Bergö, in the Malax archipelago, outside Vaasa.

    With us, you will find self-grown plants and plants from most nurseries in Finland and Europe. In addition to traditional well-known plants, we try and offer new and exotic plants from different plant zones. We have fruit trees, useful trees / shrubs, ornamental trees / shrubs and vines. Upon request, we try to bring home plants that do not belong to our existing range.

    +358 44 235 0036


  • Petalax church

    Kyrktået 12, Petolahti

    A wooden church with a cross-shaped basic form. Built in 1805 by Nathanael Rönnblad from Pörtom. The building of the belfry began in 1832 and the builder was Henry (Heikki) Kuorikoski from Kaustinen.

    +358 50 462 9575

  • Petalax Museum

    Petalax kyrktået, Malax

    Petalax museum is situated just across from the church of Petalax. The museum is an important part of the traditional buildings that the local historical society owns in the church square. The lower floor of the museum is decorated like an old peasant’s cottage. On the upper floor there are collections of various objects.

  • The gems of the archipelago

    Kvarkens skärgård, Vaasa


    One of the Kvarken’s specialties is definitely the De Geer moraines, or washboard moraines, that form clear streaks in the scenery. You can see these formations best from the observation tower Saltkaret or along the Bodvattnet nature trail.

    Is it difficult to choose which place to visit in the Kvarken? Here is some tips of the archipelago’s gems for you!


  • The Kvarken Archipelago World Heritage Site

    Merenkurkun saaristo

    Saaristo ilmakuva

    The unique Kvarken Archipelago is Finland’s only Natural World Heritage Site on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Together with Sweden’s High Coast, the Kvarken Archipelago is the best place in the world to experience and understand the land uplift phenomenon caused by the last Ice Age.

    +358 50 346 6200


  • The outer archipelago


    Merenkurkun ulkosaaret ovat karuja mutta kauniita.

    Thousands unique islands are full of contrasts: smooth rocks, rough rocky grounds, lush forests and bays. Many light houses and maritime pilot stations remind of the old days. Nowadays the outer islands have summer cottages and many of these are former fishermen’s huts. The Kvarken Archipelago is home also for numerous birds who are also one of the Kvarken’s sights.

    During the summers, you can get to Mickelsörarna or Valsörarna islands via World Heritage cruises, where the guides reveal the islands’ many stories. Also many of the archipelago’s entrepreneurs offer boat trips to the outer archipelago.  you have your own boat, we recommend landing in for example Molpehällorna’s or Fäliskäret’s guest harbours.

    Read more about the outer archipelago and its islands!

  • Amateur theatre in the Vaasa Region

    Passionate performances by the region’s amateur theatres are available all year round.