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THROWughOUT - 3D VIRTUAL exhibition

Artikelkategorier: Museer och utställningar

22.04 - 22.05 _ wating the finissage!

THROWughOUT is a solo exhibition by Valentina Gelain that was actually setted up in Black Box Genesis art space in Vaasa, Finland, at the end of March 2020. Due to the current situation, the exhibition was proposed online on the website www.blackboxgenesis.com and is waiting to be view for the finissage (open day) on a date to be determined.
So, waiting for the fateful moment, we decided to organize the exhibition also virtually, so that we could share it in several facets.

virtual exhibition
• https://www.kunstmatrix.com/en/black-box-genesis
• https://artspaces.kunstmatrix.com/en/exhibition/701303/throwughout

exhibition online
• www.blackboxgenesis.com
• https://www.blackboxgenesis.com/throwughout-art-exhibition