Business premises and sites
One of the most important factors in successful business is finding suitable premises. In the Vaasa region, you have plenty to choose from! We have a wide range of premises and business sites to meet any needs.
Several property owners, real estate agents, municipalities and private owners offer available premises and sites in all seven municipalities in the Vaasa region.
We have business sites for a variety of purposes: battery factory operations (GigaVaasa), industrial needs (Brinken in Malax) and circular economy and manufacturing (Lintuvuori in Korsholm).
At NLC Vaasa, there are large-scale logistics and industrial sites, while Laajametsä Business Park offers constructors even smaller sites.
Kaikki nämä kohteet ympäri Vaasan seutua on kätevästi löydettävissä vaasanseuduntoimitilat.fi -sivulta. Tutustu tarjontaan ja ota yhteyttä.
All these sites around the Vaasa region are handily available at vaasanseuduntoimitilat.fi.