Services by target group
We are characterized by a strong sense of community and development in the region for the benefit of the residents.
We offer families early childhood education in daycare centres, family daycare facilities and open daycare activities according to family needs. Vaasa is a pioneer of Swedish immersion education. Early childhood education is also offered in English. Basic art education is offered in seven different artistic disciplines, and children and adolescents can be active in clubs, camps and free family sports. There are over 80 playgrounds in the city, which are fun meeting and recreation grounds for all ages!
It is natural for us to combine knowledge, languages and cultures. Vaasa is the second most international city in Finland.
A vibrant business structure is one of the key factors in Vaasa’s high employment rate. The employment situation in the Vaasa region is among the best in Finland. The income level is almost at the level of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The Vaasa region is the densest business area in Finland proportionally.
It is good to live here, at all stages of life.
For senior citizens we offer sports services, cultural events and group activities. Find also out about local meeting places and digital support.
It is no coincidence that the people you meet on Vaasa’s streets seem surprisingly young, - every fifth resident is a university student. In relation to the population, Vaasa is Finland’s largest university city.
Vaasa has six youth clubs and a youth café. Rock School offers rock and pop lessons, including gigs and song writing for young people. Youth council influences the decision making in Vaasa.