Early childhood education and schools
Early childhood education and care services in Vaasa are provided in daycare centres, family daycare units, and open daycare centre.
- Early childhood education in foreign language
- Edlevo App, system Reform 2024–2025 in Early Childhood Education and Care
- Applying for and termination of an early childhood education place
- Service coordination for early childhood education
- Customer Fees for Early Childhood Education and Care
- Daycare centres
- Early childhood education and care for children from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds and preparatory education for basic education
- Family daycare
- Children’s illnesses, medication and accidents
- Family leave
- Private early childhood education
- Support for early childhood education and preschool education
Preschool children, i.e. 6-year-olds, participate in free preschool education organised by the municipality. In Vaasa, preschool education is organised at daycare centres.