Mobile youth work camper van Nuoli
The mobile youth work camper van called Nuoli travels around Vaasa, meeting young people during their leisure time.
The mobile youth work camper van visits locations where young people spend time in. Mobile youth work thus provides opportunities for young people to meet safe adults and engage in activities during their leisure time.
The destinations of the camper van are updated on this page regularly. The destinations take into account the wishes of the city residents, especially young people.
Let’s say hi when we meet on the move, and the door of the camper van is open for young people to meet the city’s youth workers and spend safe leisure time!
Mobile Youth Work Camper Van Destinations:
- Borgaregatans skola 9.25-9.50 am
- Variskan yhtenäiskoulu 12.00-12.40 pm
- Onkilahden yhtenäiskoulu 13.05-13.20 pm
- Gerbyn koulu / Gerby skola 14-15 pm
- Kotiranta / Hemstrand (Borgaregatans skola) 15.15-16.15 pm
- According to the wishes of young people 17-19.30 pm
- Suvilahti, Tori / Sunnanvik torg 14-15 pm
- Sundom, K-market 15.15-16.15 pm
- According to the wishes of young people 17-19.30 pm
- Huutoniemi / Roparnäs (Huudi) 16-17 pm
- Ristinummi / Korsnäståget (Variska) 17.15-18.15 pm
- according to the wishes of young people 19-21.30 pm
- EVERY LAST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH: Vähäkyrö / Lillkyro (Savilahden koulu) 16-21 pm