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How would you make the people of Vaasa happy with €15,000?
Published: 5.2.2025
We have once again allocated €15,000 for participatory budgeting. Now it is your turn to suggest ideas on how to use it! Is there a place in your neighbourhood that needs attention, or have you come across an idea elsewhere that you'd like to see implemented in Vaasa as well? You can submit your ideas until 9 March.
Participatory budgeting is a way of engaging residents in discussions, planning, and decision-making regarding the use of public funds. First, residents suggest ideas, and then they vote for the winner. The winning idea will be implemented in 2025.
– Participatory budgeting has become a popular way in Vaasa, to engage people in decision-making and collective idea generation, says Suvi Aho, Strategy and Regional Services Manager.
Suggest an idea by 9 March at the latest!
– We are looking for a project for participatory budgeting for the sixth time. Previously, we have brought a cherry blossom park to the shore of Onkilahti Bay, a meadow to Vaskiluoto, toys to daycare centres, an ice-swimming facility to the Inner Harbour, as well as benches and bins to the Waterfront Route, Aho says.
You can suggest your idea online at www.vaasa.fi/en//participatory-budgeting , or submit it on a paper form at the Citizen Services service point (Teräksenkuja 1) and Vähäkyrö joint service point (Vähänkyröntie 11).
The deadline for submitting ideas is Sunday, 9 March, and the best ideas that can be implemented within the budget will be selected for the final.
Voting for the winner will begin on the website and at the service points on 17 April and will run until 5 May.
The winning idea will be announced on 19 May. The implementation of the winning idea will be followed on the city’s social media channels.
– We welcome a variety of interesting and feasible proposals from Vaasa residents of all ages. A good idea brings joy and is widely accessible to everyone. All ideas will be collected, and they will also be implemented regularly outside of participatory budgeting, Aho encourages.