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The Twin Town Fund supports cultural and sports exchange between Vaasa and Umeå – a new grant application round opens in December
Published: 16.12.2024
The Twin Town Fund, established by a decision of the City Council, promotes cooperation between Vaasa and Umeå in the fields of culture, sports and other forms of physical activity. The fund’s returns are used annually to support twin town activities, with the grant application period open from 16 December 2024 to 17 January 2025.
The Vaasa City Council decided to establish the Twin Town Fund in its meeting on 28 August 2023. The fund was allocated 100,000 €, and the sum is expected to grow through investment returns, donations, and other sources of income. Most of the fund’s returns may be used annually to promote twin town activities, with an emphasis on cultural and sports exchange between Vaasa and Umeå.
The fund is managed by the Finance and Strategy Unit of the Corporate Administration, while the Board of Culture and Sports decides on the use of the returns.
Grants can be applied for from 16 December 2024 to 17 January 2025
Support for promoting twin town activities can be granted to sports associations and other organisations involved in physical activity that are registered in Vaasa, as well as to Vaasa-based art and culture groups and organisations. The grants are specifically intended to support cultural and sports exchanges between Vaasa and Umeå.
Grant application instructions and criteria:
- The applicant must be based in Vaasa.
- Sports and other forms of physical activity: The applicant must be a sports association or some other organisation involved in physical activity registered in Vaasa, and the grant must primarily be used to support sports and other physical activities for children and young people.
- Culture: Vaasa-based groups or organisations working in the arts and culture sector are eligible for support.
- Amount of the grant: A maximum of 1,000 € per applicant.
- How to apply: The application is submitted through the City of Vaasa’s website (under the section Avustukset, available in Finnish and Swedish), and the application period is from 16 December 2024 to 17 January 2025.
- The application must include: The applicant’s contact details, travel plan, budget (income and expenses), and other funding.
Applications will be reviewed at the Board of Culture and Sports meeting on 4 February 2025. The estimated total amount of grants to be awarded is approximately 5,000 €. The grant recipients must acknowledge the City of Vaasa as a sponsor in their communication materials. Late applications will not be considered.