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Osallisuuden askeleet työllistymispoluille (OSAT)

The goal of the project is to improve the working and functional capacity among persons in danger of social exclusion
through methods of social participation, community spirit and activity in societies with the aim of preventing exclusion,
social deprivation and poverty. An action concept based on activity, a network with many parties and a coordinated
cooperation moving from below upwards will be developed for this, in which the target group of the project, the
citizens, organizations and the public sector in the area together develop and carry out activities promoting
participation and welfare. This leads to a visionary image of Ristinummi and Vähäkyrö as city districts with a
sustainable welfare development, in which an organized civil society and the citizens’ own activity promote the
inhabitants’ participation, working and functional capacity and the vitality of the whole residential area.

More information

Projectmanager Jonas Nylén
040 139 3617