Sledding hills
Welcome to enjoy the winter snow and sledding in the City of Vaasa!
During the winter months, Vaasa has a variety of fantastic and popular sledding hills. Residents and visitors alike can freely use the sledding hills.
Official sledding hills are located around the city, and are easy to access.
The sledding hills are selected according to the number of users, location and lighting of the hill.
Sledding is done on one’s own responsibility.
There are eight official sledding hills in the city.
City Centre – Kalaranta sledding hill
- Address: Rantakatu, Vaasa (opposite Rantakatu 14, on the sea side, in the immediate vicinity of the former Vesiylioikeus and Kalastuksen talo buildings).
- The sledding hill is trough-shaped with built-in safety barriers on the sides. A safety net is also installed on top of the safety barrier. A high safety barrier prevents anyone sledding from sliding onto the light traffic lane below. The top of the barrier is flat, making it easier to get back up the hill. The sledding hill is suitable for all ages and is quite safe due to the safety barriers.
- Parking area is front of the Kalastuksen talo building (drive in from Sininen tie, note parking time restriction on weekdays and Saturdays). You can also park along Rantakatu above the hill.
- The lighting on the hill is on at the same time as streetlighting.
Asevelikylä – Edvininpolku sledding hill
- Address: Edvininpolku playground Lystitie, Vaasa.
- This hill is suitable especially for experienced sledding enthusiasts: you can experience the thrill of speed 0n this slope.
- Parking area is next to the playground.
- The lighting on the hill is at the same time as streetlighting.
Gerby – Gerby sledding hill
- Address: Gerbyn rantatie (Jerpyynmäki, near the Gerby dog park).
- There are two slopes in Gerby, and both are suitable for schoolchildren.
- Parking area is next to the dog park.
- The lighting on the hill is on at the same time as streetlighting.
Pukinjärvi sledding hill
- Address: Hevoshaantie, Vaasa.
- Slope is suitable for everyone, but especially for pre-school children and children under 12 years old.
- No parking area.
- The lighting on the hill is on the same time as streetlighting.
Ristinummi sledding hill
- Address: Vesilaitoksentie, Vaasa.
- Slope is suitable for experienced sleddingge riders.
- Parking area is close to the slope.
- The lighting on the hill is on the same time as streetlighting.
Suvilahti – Appelsiininmäki sledding hill
- Address: Kaskistenkatu, Vaasa (from the end of the Kaskistenkatu towards Helsingnörkatu via the outdoor trail).
- There are two slopes at Appelsiinimäki. The bigger slope is suiatble for experienced sledding enthusiasts. The smaller one is suited for beginners.
- Closest parking area is near the Suvilahti market place, approximately 200 metres from the hill.
- The lighting on the hill is on the same time as streetlighting.
Vanha Vaasa sledding hill
- Address: Kauppiaankatu, Vaasa.
- Slope is suitable for everyone, but especially for beginners.
- Closest parking area is next to the Rauniokioski (kiosk) on Kauppiaankatu.
- The lighting on the hill is on the same time as streetlighting.
Öjberget sledding hill
- Address: Öjbergintie, Vaasa.
- Slope is suitable for everyone, but especially for beginners and pre-school children.
- Parking area is near the slope.
- The lighting on the hill is on at the same time as streetlighting.