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Cultural Flora in Suvilahti

There are remains of villas and gardens around the seaside Suvilahti, which is why many plant species that are not naturally seen in the area can be found there. The wild Swedish whitebeam (Sorbus intermedia) is endangered and classified as a vulnerable species. It only grows wild in Åland in Finland. The Swedish whitebeam has been planted a lot outside its natural range and spreads through birds eating its berries.

The wych elm (Ulmus glabra) and the Siberian clematis (Clematis sibirica) are also endangered vulnerable species in their natural environment. The dame’s rocket, midsummer rose, lilac, martagon lily, perennial cornflower, and the giant bellflower growing in the area are also remnants of the villa gardens. Also, apple, plum, and cherry trees, in addition to the common lime and the Siberian larch can be found in the area. The pedestals, walls, and stairs made of stone, and the terracing and stone piers indicate the places of the former villas and their surroundings.