Great Tit
Parus major

General information. The great tit is a well known, common species in Vaasa. It thrives in almost any type of habitat, from forests and parks to residential areas. Being a cavity nester, the species requires a suitable, natural cavity or a nesting box erected by humans. The great tit also nests in buildings and other structures in the city centre.
The nesting population throughout Finland has grown and developed over a long period of time. This is believed to be due to increased feedings during winters, which have become increasingly milder because of climatic changes.
- Length 15 cm
- Nests in nesting boxes, tree cavities or holes in buildings
- Primarily sedentary species
- Feeds on insects, seeds, buds, suet, peanuts etc
Habitat. The great tit thrives in cultural landscapes and uninhabited forest areas. It is not very demanding when it comes to habitats and adapts well to almost all types, including parks, housing plots, gardens as well as various types of forests. The densest populations form in detached housing areas. In such places throughout Vaasa, the number of nesting pairs has been found to be in excess of 20 pairs/ km².
Distribution in Vaasa. The great tit is common and has spread almost across the entire city area. During nesting season, it was observed in approximately 260 survey blocks, thus making the great tit one of the most common bird species in Vaasa. It is easily spotted in city parks or in detached housing areas. It can also be found nesting in the archipelago.