House Sparrow
Passer domesticus

General information. The house sparrow is a well-known garden bird, dwelling in city centers, detached housing areas and countryside villages. The latest 22 year periodic follow-up survey indicates that the nesting population has decreased by roughly 55%. It is believed that changes in agricultural environments are responsible for this.
- Length 17 cm
- Nests in black woodpecker holes or nesting boxes
- Sedentary species
- Feeds on insects, seeds and grain
Habitat. The house sparrow is a cultural landscape bird, nesting constantly in close proximity to human settlements. The species tends to avoid uninhabited areas and the archipelago.
Distribution in Vaasa. The house sparrow was found nesting in approximately 80 survey blocks. The distribution pattern closely follows the edges of built up, urban areas. The cityscape functions in specific areas as a habitat for large house sparrow populations.