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Working to increase livability

Ambitious plans and good deeds for the development of public transportation and green spaces. Not to mention the promotion of cycling opportunities. Onkilahti Park has quietly become one of the city’s beating hearts, but its development seems to be continuing, with the opening of a children’s traffic park in the summer as the latest evidence.  

But this is just a small part of the whole, as it is almost impossible for anyone moving around the city to close their eyes to the motives behind the construction of biogas-powered public transportation and the expanding network of bicycle lanes. The development seems to be inevitably moving towards an even more livable and carbon-neutral city. 

There are also new evidence of the city’s good deeds for its employees. This autumn, for example, a  bicycle benefit has been introduced, which employees have enthusiastically embraced as part of their happy daily lives.  

However, the decisive lead seems to be the city’s own head of municipal engineering, Jukka Talvi. For him, doing good deeds is not just a job but also a big part of his free time. In fact, Jukka plans to cycle to Paris next summer for charity and raise money to help children with cancer. The trip is organized by Team Rynkeby and, wait a minute… the city is involved in the support team, not only encouraging its employee in the cycling challenge, but also supporting the purpose of the trip – children with cancer. 

“We are working together for a pleasant living environment and a smooth everyday life.” 

Jukka Talvi, Head of Municipal Engineering | City of Vaasa 

And good deeds are not limited to the development of the urban environment. No. In Vaasa, thousands of good deeds are done. Small and large, for loved ones and strangers. Citizens even collect their good deeds in a counter:

Vaasa on Pohjolan energiapääkaupunki, jossa on helppo olla onnellinen

Monikielisessä ja kansainvälisessä kaupungissa meren äärellä on kulttuuria, tapahtumia, harrastusmahdollisuuksia ja elämyksiä kaikille aisteille. Tavoitteena on olla hiilineutraali kaupunki 2020-luvulla sekä kasvattaa työpaikkojen ja asukkaiden määrää. Tässä on tärkeässä roolissa aiesopimusvaiheessa oleva akkuteollisuuden toimijoiden keskittymä GigaVaasa-alueelle.

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