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Study languages

Improve your language skills for working purposes or for your spare time.

Vaasan kansalaisopisto Alma – Vasa medborgarinstitut Alma provides several languages to study traditionally in class, online or as a combination of these two. You can choose from hobby courses to university level courses and preparation classes for exams.

The way how you like to study and the length of the course, you choose yourself. We provide courses going on the whole school year, but also short courses. Choose a level that suits you. We have courses both for beginners and for more advanced learners. We offer you the possibility to study regularly once a week or then more intensively or according to a specific item.

When you need more information about our language courses, please do not hesitate to contact us

  • language teacher and planner Marika Boström, + 358 40 619 4788,
  • language teacher and planner Sari Isokangas, +358 40 538 5891,

You can sign up for new language course starting from 16th of August at 4 p.m.
Our courses start from 6th of September. Welcome!

The Language Levels

The level you want to reach after studies on a specific level according to the levels for the National Certificates of Language Proficiency (YKI).
Basic level (1-2)
Intermediate level (3-4)
Highest level (5-6)

Common Reference Levels: Global scale according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Basic user (A1-A2)
Independent user (B1-B2)
Proficient user (C1-C2)


Level 1/A1
You can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.
You can introduce yourself and others. You can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where you/he/she lives, people you/he/she knows and things you have or he/she has.
You can interact in a simple way provided, when the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help you with the language.

Level 2/A2
You can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
You can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
You can describe in simple terms aspects of your background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.


Level 3/B1
You can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
You can deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the language is spoken.
You can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.
You can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

Level 4/B2
You can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in your field of specialization.
You can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
You can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.


Level 5/C1
You can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning.
You can express yourself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.
You can use the language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
You can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.

Level 6/C2
You can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read.
You can summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation.
You can express yourself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.


Language Policy Division, Council of Europe, Strasbourg. (2001). Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment. Cambridge University Press.Cambridge University Press.

Test your language skills

There is an opportunity for you to test your proficiency level for the language you have learned.

Dialang is a language diagnosis system developed by many European higher education institutions and you can test your language abilities in five skills in 14 European languages.

It reports your level of skill against the Common European Framework (CEF) for language learning. Dialang is not an exam and it does not issue certificates. The skills are reading, writing, listening, grammar and vocabulary.

The languages are Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Icelandic, Irish-Gaelic, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.

European language levels
The Self Assessment Grid presented, tells how well you understand, speak and write a language.

The National Certificate of Language Proficiency

Vaasan kansalaisopisto Alma – Vasa medborgarinstitut Alma normally arranges the test at basic and intermediate levels in the following languages: Swedish, Finnish, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Russian. 
In order to obtain Finnish Citizenship you need to have language skills at an intermediate level in Finnish or Swedish.
The fees for the tests are 120 € for the basic level and 140 € for the intermediate level.

Registration Dates 2021-2022
Oct 2nd intermediate level in Finnish at EduVamia (registration Aug 23rd – 31st)
Oct 16th basic and intermediate level in English (registration Sept 6th – 30th)
Nov 13th basic and intermediate level in Finnish (registration Sept 6th – 30th)
Nov 20th basic and intermediate level in Swedish, Spanish and German
(registration Sept 6th – 30th)
Jan 30th intermediate level in Finnish (registration Dec 1st – 10th)
March 26th English, Italian, Russian, (registration Feb 1st – 28th, please, contact EduVamia or Seinäjoen kansalaisopisto)
Apr 9th basic and intermediate level in Finnish (registration Feb 1st – 28th)
April 23rd basic and intermediate level in Swedish and French (registration Feb 1st – 28th)
May 21st of May intermediate level in Finnish at EduVamia (registration Apr 18th – 29th)
Aug 27th intermediate level in Finnish (registration June 1st – 10th)

The fee will not be refunded, if you cancel your participation in the exam.

You will not be reminded about the payment.

If you sign up for the exam only a few days (7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) before the registration time ends, it is best to pay immediately.

Verify your identity with your banking codes, mobile certificate or e-mail.

You will get a confirmation of your registration and a payment link (noreply(at) to your e-mail. You can see the date of payment in the confirmation. The registration system does not give you a receipt after you have paid the bill.
Problems with the payment? Contact asiakaspalvelu(at)


On-line registration for the national language proficiency test (YKI) 

From now on, please, sign up for the YKI-test at Opintopolku. The registration is open at the same time all over the country.

This means, that you can not register on a paper form any more. We are also transitioning from paper-based invoices to an e-invoicing, so you are going to pay your bill through internet.

How to sign up for the exam:

  1. Click the link   Opintopolku
  2. Choose the language you want to be tested in
  3. Choose the language level (basic or intermediate level at Vaasan kansalaisopisto Alma)
  4. Choose city (Vaasa or Vasa)
  5. Choose school (Vaasan kansalaisopisto Alma – Vasa medborgarinstitut Alma)
  6. Fill in your personal details
  7. Remember to fill in your whole social security number DAY-MONTH-YEAR-XXXX
  8. Please, also fill in your e-mail address. You need that for paying the bill.
  9. Check, that you have a valid official identification document  If you do not have that, you are not allowed to take part in the exam! (*Read more under ”Accepted documents”).

How do I pay the fee for the exam?

When you have signed up for the exam, you will get a payment link to your e-mail. Now you have eight (8) days time to pay the invoice. When you have paid the invoice, you also will get a place on the exam. Within two weeks before the exam, you will get more detailed information by e-mail about the day of the exam.

If you do not pay the fee on time, your place will be given to the next person in the queue.

*Accepted documents

When you take part in the national language proficiency test, you have to prove you identity (only) with following identification documents:

  • Passport
  • ID-card (an official ID-card with a photograph granted by an authority of an EU-country)
  • Alien’s passport
  • Refugee travel document
  • Finnish defense forces ID-card with a photograph and chip
    NB. Driver’s license and residence permit card are not official ID documents.
    Check that you have a valid official identification document.
    If you do not have that, you are not allowed to take part in the exam!

Participants with special needs.

The certificate will be sent to you within about two month after the exam.

Where do I found more information?
More about the National Certificate of Language Proficiency test  or
contact language teacher Marika Boström for more details, phone +358 40 619 4788, marika.bostrom(a)

Instructions for the test participants.


Language learning through communication with a native speaker
Practice Finnish, Swedish or some other language with a native speaker. Teach your mother tongue to your partner and meet your language buddy at any place and time you want. You are also welcome to take part in five gatherings for all participants of the FinTandem course.

FinTandem consists of four elements:

Finding a FinTandem partner
The FinTandem guide for students
Five gatherings for all participants
Individual support

Five gatherings at Vaasan kansalaisopisto Alma – Vasa medborgarinstitut Alma (Kirkkopuistikko 15) on Thursdays from 5 to 6.30 p.m.
Sept 24th 2020
Nov 5th 2020
Jan 14th 2021
Mar 18th 2021
May 6th 2021

FinTandem for work or studies
Your employer encourage you to improve your language skills.
FinTandem is then a flexible and fun training program for you. Discuss about your plans with your supervisor.
Students can get credits for taking part in FinTandem. Ask more at your school.

Did you become interested?
If you answered yes, we will do our best to find you a suitable language buddy.
You can sign up between August and May.
The participation fee is 25 euros, but you pay only after you have got your language buddy. Coordinator: Marika Boström. If you have questions, please contact Marika Boström, phone +358 40 619 4788, e-mail marika.bostrom(a)

Language studies abroad

By studying the language in the native country you will learn faster.
The more you understand from the language and the culture, the more you gain from the interaction with the local people.

Which country I want to visit?
Vaasan kansalaisopisto Alma – Vasa medborgarinstitut Alma and Internationella Skolorna in Stockholm cooperate in offering a possibility to study a language abroad for those who participate in a language course at our adult education centre.
You can choose between different languages, for example:
English in Eastbourne or Dublin
French in Aix-en-Provence
German in Berlin
Spanish in Barcelona or Málaga
Italian in Florens
Russian in St. Petersburg

Is the course suitable for me?
You can study the language abroad during one or two weeks and the courses are offered on all levels, from basic to the highest level.
The courses start all year round, often several times per month.
Choose date according to your own schedule and stay in a native host family, if you wish so.

Please, sign up for the courses abroad by filling in a special form.
For more information and prices, please contact language teacher Marika Boström; phone +358 40 619 4788 or marika.bostrom(a)

Information about Covid-19 in Swedish.

Individual Language Tuition

Do you want to study languages in a flexible way and with a teacher of your own?
Do you feel that it is difficult to find time for taking part in a regular course on a fixed time?
Do you need repetition or do you need to reach a certain language level?
If you answer yes, we recommend individual language tuition.

What am I interested in?
You may have a professional knowledge in the language, but you need to practice it in natural contexts and everyday situations. Discuss with us about different possibilities. You can practice both speaking, writing and understanding according to your needs.

How does it work in practice?
The student and the teacher agree on a time and place to meet, but we recommend the lessons to be held in our facilities of Vaasan kansalaisopisto Alma – Vasa medborgarinstitut Alma or online during the school year from August to June.
If you can’t come to a lesson, you need to inform the teacher latest 24 hours before the agreed time for the lesson. Otherwise you will be charged for the missed lesson.
Lessons not been used can’t be transferred to the next school year. Pricing includes copy materials. There are no discounts for individual language tuition.

Course packages:
5 or 10 lessons (60 euros/60 minutes)
5 lessons 300 euros
10 lessons 600 euros

Do you need more information and want to sign up?
Contact language teacher and planner Marika Boström

Following information is needed:
Personal details
(name, social security number, billing address, phone number, e-mail)
Estimated language level
– Get acquainted with European language levels – Self Assessment Grid
– Test your language level with Dialang
Requests about the course content


Contact our language teachers