Ristinummi, Haapaniemi and Old Vaasa (Vanha Vaasa)
Only a few buildings survived the great fire of Vaasa, one of which today functions as a museum. In Old Vaasa, it is possible to visit the ruins of St. Mary's Church. Haapaniemi (known locally as "Hapski"), Ristinummi (known locally as "Nummi") and Old Vaasa (known locally as "Vanhis") are residential areas for people of all ages, who live in both flats and detached houses.
Ristinummi (Korsnäståget)
Ristinummi began to develop in the 1970’s and a housing fair was held in the district in 1975. Ristinummi offers good services to all its residents. The area includes, among other things, primary and secondary schools, daycare centres, Youth House Ristikka, as well as a health station and dentalcare services. Ristinummi has an active community hall and parish centre providing services and club activities.
The Northern part of Ristinummi is located in a quiet and natural location just a few kilometres east from the centre of Vaasa. Just a stone’s throw away is Pilvilampi and nearby nature areas. There are many opportunities for leisure activities in the area. At Nummen School you can skate and play in the winter. In the summer, different kinds of ball games are played on the pitch. Good ski trails and sawdust-covered jogging tracks attract the outdoor enthusiasts. Nummen Hill is a popular sledging hill and outdoor area.
Haapaniemi (Aspnäs)
Haapaniemi is a residential area located between Ristinummi and Vanha Vaasa (Old Vaasa). The neighbourhood is defined by its blocks of flats and detached houses.
Old Vaasa (Gamla Vasa)
The distance from Vanha Vaasa (Old Vaasa) to the city centre is seven kilometres. Vanha Vaasa is a charming residential area, which is known especially for its history.
Vaasa was located in the area of present-day Vanha Vaasa until the great fire of Vaasa in 1852, after which the city was moved to its present location. In Vanha Vaasa there are also the ruins of Korsholm Castle.
In Vanha Vaasa there is still, among other things, the ruins of St. Mary’s Church, which was built in the 1400’s-1500’s, and the merchant Abraham Wasastjerna’s stone house, which was the only private residence that survived the Vaasa fire and now serves as a museum. In Vanha Vaasa there is also Korsholm’s church, which was originally built as a court in 1786, as well as Vanha Vaasa hospital. The city also had a trivial school (equivalent to a secondary school) where, among others, the author J.L. Runeberg attended. The school building was close to the church.
Korsholm Castle was also in the area of Vanha Vaasa, but it had already lain in ruins long before the Vaasa fire.