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Vaasa invites the whole of Finland to screw up! - In Strömsö’s hometown, it doesn't always go like Strömsö
Published: 30.5.2022
Although Vaasa wants to be the happiest city in the world, the Strömsö embrace does not always reach here the same way as it does at Strömsö. Failures are part and parcel of normal life, which means that we all screw up sometimes. We want to point out that happiness is not the same thing as perfection and constant success.
At the beginning of June, the City of Vaasa will share typical Vaasa screw ups that Finns find funny and encourage everyone to tell us about their own screw ups as well.
– Usually here in Strömsö’s embrace, things go as smooth as Strömsö, but sometimes we have to realise that this time it didn’t go like Strömsö. At the beginning of June, we will share the Vaasa screw ups that any Finn can relate to. We also encourage you to tell us your own funny “stromsöism” that has made you and others laugh, at least afterwards. In this way, we can share our good feeling and happiness with each other, says Leena Forsén, Communications Manager of the City of Vaasa.
All those who have shared their personal screw ups will be entered into a prize draw for a weekend in Vaasa. And, of course, the prize will also include a visit to Strömsö.
Vaasa aims to be the happiest city in the world
Vaasa aims to be the happiest city in the world, even though happiness does not mean a perfect life where everything succeeds – on the contrary! Failures, hardships, and bigger and smaller screw ups are all part of everyone’s normal life. Despite the difficulties, or maybe even because of them, you can be happy.
The Vaasa region wants to use its campaign to make screw ups an everyday thing. When you allow yourself to fail, you learn from your mistakes and in that way discover new perspectives about your own happiness.
– Young people, in particular, often feel inadequate and think that others expect perfection and flawlessness from them in working life, for example. But life is not like that! In fact, screw ups can be seen as a gift to learn from, says Marketing Manager Mari Kattelus from the Vaasa Region Development Company (VASEK).
On 11 June Strömsö will have an open day, while on the market square there will be a screw-up park as well as the Yle Pointti City Festival
A lot will be happening in Vaasa on Saturday 11 June when Strömsö celebrates its 20th anniversary with an open day at Strömsö Villa in Västervik, Vaasa. In addition, the Yle Pointti City Festival arrives in Vaasa and arranges a programme on the city’s market square.
– Vaasa brings a screw-up park to the market square, where you have permission to joke and laugh at yourself. Of course, there is also a local specialty, dill macaroni, for the first 2,000 visitors, says Interim Senior Marketing Specialist of the City of Vaasa, Eevamaria Paasikari.
Although the Vaasa campaign is moving along in a light-hearted manner, there is a serious and topical issue behind it. According to a study published today (E2 Study), many young people feel compelled to cope. Young people feel that they must be the best at everything, and this pursuit of perfection puts pressure on them.
– We want to highlight the culture of allowing screw ups to take place. Despite the goofs, one can be happy. There is no perfect person, and there is no need to be one. Each of us is perfect just as we are, remind Forsén and Kattelus.
Vaasa screw-up video and instructions for the competition at: www.maailmanonnellisinkaupunki.fi