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Job seekers

A vibrant business structure is one of the key factors in Vaasa’s high employment rate. The employment situation in the Vaasa region is among the best in Finland. The income level is almost at the level of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The Vaasa region is the densest business area in Finland proportionally.

Services for job seekers

  • Supported employment services

    The task of supported employment is to develop and provide services that promote employment for residents in the most disadvantaged position in the labour market. Our goal is to empower the client and support their long-term integration into education or working life. Through project work, new approaches and models are developed and piloted, while also strengthening network cooperation.

  • Working opportunities in Vaasa region

    Top jobs for top experts! There is plenty of work available in the Vaasa region. Are you interested in an international career in the energy technology industry? Or perhaps you are a health care professional who would like to work in an interesting working environment? Seize this opportunity to find out about new career possibilities in the Vaasa region.





Feasta Clubi Night offers a taste of the local music scene

Culture House Fanny will host the Feasta Clubi Night on Friday, 14 March, from 19.30 to 23.00. The doors open at 18.30. The event is open to the public and will...


Electronic ECEC decisions now also apply to service voucher daycare centres

The City of Vaasa’s Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) uses the Edlevo system for tasks such as reporting care times and publishing decisions. Now,...

Lapset leikkivät päiväkodin pihalla

Talk to someone new on Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! Valentine’s Day, or Friendship Day as we Finns call it, is the perfect occasion to celebrate friendship, to make new acquaintances...


Vaasa is recruiting 27 new teachers

The recruitment of teachers for Finnish-language basic education in the City of Vaasa begins on 12 February and runs until 5 March. Applications should be...
