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We offer families early childhood education in daycare centres, family daycare facilities and open daycare activities according to family needs. Vaasa is a pioneer of Swedish immersion education. Early childhood education is also offered in English. Basic art education is offered in seven different artistic disciplines, and children and adolescents can be active in clubs, camps and free family sports. There are over 80 playgrounds in the city, which are fun meeting and recreation grounds for all ages!

Services for families





Vaasa is recruiting 27 new teachers

The recruitment of teachers for Finnish-language basic education in the City of Vaasa begins on 12 February and runs until 5 March. Applications should be...


Additional air purifiers were tested in daycare: no effect on illness-related absences

Vaasa’s Early Childhood Education and Care tested the impact of additional air purifiers on illness-related absences for both children and staff. Additional...

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Extended self-service hours at the Main Library to include evenings and weekends

From 17 February 2025, users of Vaasa Main Library will have more opportunities to read, study, and meet, thanks to a new self-service area. A self-service...

student at a computer

Safety is every child's fundamental right: familiarise yourself with the safety instructions!

Knowing the emergency number and how to use it is the most important safety guideline for children. The City of Vaasa participated in creating safety...

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