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Young people do 10 good deeds for Vaasa residents
Published: 17.5.2022
The award-winning Gutsy Go community method, which strengthens the wellbeing of young people, will be put into effect for the first time in Vaasa in May. All 128 eighth-graders at Borgaregatan school will be involved, resulting in 10 impressive acts of peace by young people, which will also be videoed.
Gutsy Go Vaasa invites the entire city to a unique initiative that will strengthen community spirit as well as the participation and problem-solving abilities of young people.
From 23-30 May 128 eighth-graders from the Borgaregatan school will take part in the Gutsy Go action week. For a few days, young people will come up with ideas and implement solutions that strengthen trust, friendship and peace to the everyday problems and needs of city residents.
The young people describe the solutions they have implemented and edit videos about them, which will be published at the school premiere evening and on social media to inspire the whole city.
In previous years, young people in other places have arranged, for example, a pamper day for seniors, provided clean clothes and saunas to the homeless, and asked strangers to take part in a joint friendship photo.
Centred on young people’s involvement
Gutsy Go Vaasa is being implemented in co-operation with the City of Vaasa’s youth services and the youth association Gutsy Go ry.
The youth teams are led by youth workers coached by Gutsy Go, and by Borgaregatan’s school teachers. Support for local professionals in the implementation phase is provided by Gutsy Go’s team who are specialised in pedagogy and the media.
– It’s really important that young people get to share their feelings of joy and happiness through good deeds and see the impact of their own actions, explains Youth Secretary Mervi Ahola.
Gutsu Go has already involved 4,000 young people
Gutsy Go is a community-oriented coaching method that has won Finland’s largest innovation competition, the State Award for Public Information. The Gutsy Go method combines pedagogy, the media and peace work. It aims to strengthen the involvement of young people and prevent polarisation by providing young people with a meaningful experience of social participation and cooperation.
The young people’s Gutsy Go videos raise the social potential of young people in the media. Almost 4,000 young people from all over Finland and Estonia have already taken part in the activities, and more than 400 young people have already found solutions.
– During this time of gloomy news, stories of a different kind are also needed, which give hope, and which remind us of people’s ability to solve problems together and of the potential that young people have. Every act that increases positive interaction is an act of peace. I can’t wait to see what kind of actions the young people in Vaasa are developing, says Gutsy Go’s Managing Director Veera Ikonen.