Hietalahden koulu
Hietalahti School is a Finnish language school with general education grades 1–6 and special education classes 1–9. Our school also includes one Etappi class, located on the premises of Keskuskoulu (Raastuvankatu 39-43), and two hospital school classes in the Central Hospital area, in connection to the child and adolescent psychiatric ward.
At Hietalahti, general and special education pupils work together in both everyday life and on special occasions. Integration is a two-way process and always in the best interest of the pupil.
Our school’s mission is to be a school for all. Our aim is to produce children and young people who are tolerant, who understand diversity as a richness, who are well equipped for life, and who have a strong sense of self-worth. Our school has a mediation team and we focus on prevention. Bullying is dealt with immediately. A school curator and a nurse are in our school almost every day.
Activity clubs of our school are popular (cooking and sports clubs), and we also have an active parents’ association called Tötsä.
The student council is active, with a full member and an elected deputy from each class. The student council organises a variety of events. Our school also has a school grandmother, who helps the pupils a couple of times a month.
We have also guided sports activities during recesses. Father’s and Mother’s Day mornings are part of our school activities in November and May. Grandparents are also welcome to join us for these festive mornings.
Creating our own school calendar is an annual project. We donate part of the proceeds to war veterans.