Nummen koulu (Nummi Primary School)
Nummi Primary School is a Finnish school that offers teaching for the grades 1–6. In addition to mainstream education, our school offers special education to grades 1–6 and the preparatory teaching to children who have moved to Finland from other countries.
Our school provides diverse activities that involve and unite the pupils across classrooms. Our weekly program creates versatility in our pupils’ school days through reading breaks, music breaks, peer-instructed break time activities, and theme days developed by the pupils themselves. Peek into some of our awesome days on our Instagram!
Special education and preparatory teaching
Nummi Primary School has six special education classes, one for each grade 1–6. Pupils in these classes come predominantly from the eastern part of the city. Special education pupils can get integrated in mainstream education classes in selected study subjects.
At present, Nummi Primary School has four preparatory classes. Pupils in all these classes come from Ukraine and they will be able to continue their school path in Finnish mainstream education in the beginning of the next school year.
Student Body
The student body and the student board are a community serving all our pupils and supports our entire organization. The key activity of the student body is to influence the decisions made at school – it is important that the students understand that each one of them has the power to make a difference. The student body works systematically, its decisions bear effect, they negotiate about joint matters, and their goal is to improve the wellbeing of the pupils in the classrooms and in the school. The student body can, for example, organize different theme days, sports events, and parties. In addition, the student body posts on the school’s Instagram account.
Representatives are chosen into the student body by voting. The student body represents all the pupils in the school. All the school’s pupils are equally important members of the student body and the school community, but the board of the student body is manages the activities of the student board. In practice, the members of the board act as messengers between their classroom and the board.
The student body promotes the interaction and cooperation both in their classroom and between the different members of the school community.
Nummi Primary School offers clubs funded by project grants awarded by The Finnish Model for Leisure Activities and by special grants awarded by the National Board of Education. The clubs are planned and organized, within reason, according to the pupils’ wishes.
This year we have had for example homework club, crafts workshop, an activity club organized by the 4H Association, and a basketball club organized by Vaasan Salama (a local basketball team). The clubs vary per grade.
Mediation Group
Our school’s mediation group operates by the code of the new student welfare law, focusing on preventive measures to avoid conflicts altogether. The group’s objective is to create a safe and caring climate to the school community, making school a good place to be for everyone. We work to achieve this objective by being genuinely present throughout the school day, every day, and by organizing one-off events that bring the school together, promoting the community’s wellbeing as well as the social and emotional skills of all its members.
If we, despite all, detect bullying, Nummi Primary School acts as follows:
- The classroom teacher discusses the matter with the pupils involved.
- Right away we work to get as much information as possible. If the bullying continues, we contact the Mediation Group. The mediation group, in its turn, has a meeting about what should be done and in which order.
Parents’ Association
The Parents’ Association in our school cooperates between the adults for the benefit of all the children. Their activities aim to increase the wellbeing of the children. By joining the Parents’ Association, you also get a unique possibility to learn more about the school your child goes to, and to the meet the personnel with whom they interact, and to get to know many of the other parents.
The Parents’ Association cooperates with the teachers to support the conditions where all the children can learn as efficiently as possible. The Parents’ Association supports the activities of the pupils, the families, and the school personnel by participating in the school events and offering financial support for field trips and necessary purchases. The most important purpose of the Parents’ Association and its activities is to show the pupils, their family, and the entire school community the meaning of cooperation in the everyday life of the school.
All meetings of the Parents’ Association are low-threshold – you are free to join whenever you want! We hope to get as many as possible parents onboard. There are not incredibly many meetings, and the activities are planned so that everyone can fit them in their schedule. Whatever you can bring to the table is received with open arms! All the parents of the pupils in Nummi Primary School are welcome to join!