Shores and waterfronts are areas of land directly connected to water bodies. They tend to exhibit a diverse range birdlife, including ducks, grebes and waders that especially thrive along the waterfront. Many shorebirds have adapted to living in close proximity to built up waterfronts. Species and vegetation richness vary within these areas. Lush waterfronts exhibit a richer birdlife than arid, rocky beaches. Examples of species nesting along the waterfront include the tufted duck, common goldeneye, great crested grebe and Eurasian oystercatcher.

Arctic Tern
Canada goose
Common Goldeneye
Common Gull
Common merganser
Common Redshank
Common Sandpiper
Common Tern
Eurasian Oystercatcher
European herring gull
Great Crested Grebe
Greylag goose
Horned Grebe
Lesser black-backed Gull
Mute Swan
Northern Wheatear
Red-brested Merganser
Ruddy turnstone
Tufted Duck