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Artikelkategorier: Kurser och utbildningar

Exhibition ~ Artist Talks ~ Papermaking Workshops

The event Papertopia brings to the public attention the centrality of the paper as a basic universal medium and on the other hand, opens up its artistic/creative application and potential.

The public is invited to enjoy the opening of an exhibition curated around this theme by Valentina Gelain and presenting paper artworks by Jenni Österlund and Bekim Hasaj.
During the opening day, an artist talk is organized and the public can take the chance to get to know more about their art and ask questions about the two artists and their practice regarding papermaking.
A music performance by Michele Uccheddu will enrich the opening atmosphere.

The project also includes 2 workshops on handmade paper held by the same artists and open to everyone.

The entire program will take place between 15-30th of June 2023 at Vaasa City Library.

15 June – 17:00 Opening, 18:00 Artist Talks
29 June – 13:00-16:00 drop in Workshop, 17:00-19:00 sign up Workshop

To sign up to the 17-19 workshop send an email with your name to osterlundjenni@gmail.com

The exhibition and workshops are aimed both at children and adults. The first one will be a drop-in workshop: you can come and try the technique and get familiar with the method. For the second one, you need to sign up beforehand. This workshop will introduce the participants to the basics of papermaking and then dig deeper into the methods that can be used.
The workshop aims to give the participants a basic understanding and a foundation for individual creative processes.

This event is a low-threshold collaborative project ideated, as a result of ´Book – the Lafkan project´ 2022.

The program is open and free to the public and will be held in both Swedish and English.


Thank you to Bröderna Gröndahls Stiftelse for supporting the initiative and Vaasa City Library for their availability.